Earthen architecture. Palm rachis as a structural element for earthen construction systems

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Innias Miguel Cadena-González
Bryan Leonardo Méndez Molina
Bryan Leonardo Méndez Molina


Attalea butyracea, Bahareque, earthen architecture, new materials, palm rachis


Earthen architecture presents a very important constructive reference as is the bahareque, a construction system that offers viability due to the structural characteristics that can articulate a building and the feasibility of using different types of wood for its elaboration. For the purposes of this study, the research focuses on the Attalea butyracea plant, a palm existing in a large part of the American continent, with a history of use since pre-Columbian times in many daily activities and artisanal use in many regions of the country, extending throughout much of the Colombian territory to the point of being considered a undergrowth. The research focuses on a documentary review at the international, national and regional levels of bahareque as a construction system, however, focused on the use of the rachis of A. butyracea as a structural element, keeping as an objective to document the incidence of this material in construction, addressing the global problem of ecological footprint and the use of new materials with characteristics of sustainability and production feasibility due to its wide use in artisan constructions in Colombia, allowing to project it as a documentary base for future studies of optimization and adaptation of this type of constructions, due to the fact that it is an abundant plant in the territory, helping to promote the conservation of the environment, the propagation and conservation of the cultural identity, customs and ancestral history that has been lost through the years. The data are collected from various databases, focusing the study in the Colombian Caribbean region, addressing from the methodology the issues of construction in bahareque and the palm rachis individually and then articulate them and see what advantages and disadvantages are presented as a constructive process yielding results on the possibilities of application as a structural element for earthen construction systems.

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