Teacher´s perceptions about use of contextualized concept cartoons
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Contextualized concept cartoon, science teaching, learning, didactics.
Teaching of science is enriched with the production of new narratives in the classroom, which promote the analysis of life situations and, in turn, motivate students and teachers to inquire into scientific knowledge. The objective of this research was to determine the perception of elementary and high school teachers, mainly of natural sciences, about a Contextualized Concept Cartoon as a didactic resource in their classes. An online survey with eleven questions was administered to practicing teachers (n=102). The first section of responses was subjected to a frequency analysis in relation to the categories: contexts of use, classroom activities in which the contextualized concept cartoon can be involved, adequate time of the class for its use, and specific science teaching topics in which can be implemented. With the second section of general comments, a qualitative content analysis was carried out to establish the teachers’ perception of this tool. We found a favorable perception in most of the teachers about the didactic, innovative, and investigative potential of the Contextualized Concept Cartoon in their classes, involving new possibilities of implementation as interdisciplinary projects, promotion of creativity and motivation inside the student´s activities.
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