Human and social training of the graduate in primary basic education. a social principle in times of the covid-19 pandemic
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Human Training, Bachelor, Basic Primary
This dissertation refers to human and social formation in its relationship with the labor context as a graduate in Primary Basic Education. Therefore, if humanism is an attitude and even an aptitude of the cultivated spirit, culture turns out to be a system of values in constant evolution and permanently threatened caused by the Pandemic created by COVID-19, challenge and challenge of essence and existence in its deontological training and subsequent professional practice of the professor of Basic Primary. Now, in the hermeneutical understanding of the humanities humanism relationship, it is the one that exists between a series of intellectual and properly aesthetic disciplines and the attitude of those who consider it as something fundamental for the cultured man and for the society to which he belongs. It can be considered as an axiom that humanism constitutes in itself an intellectual strategy for the defense of traditional values, a situation that at the same time becomes complex since it can be said that these values are not properly threatened by classifying our culture within the Western tradition, but because certain factors of transculturation operate in this regard, profoundly modifying the cultural trajectory of each context.
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