Dilemmas of the novice english teacher in times of pandemic.

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Astrid Ramírez Valencia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3025-5982
Luz Marilyn Ortiz Sánchez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2514-2251
Julio César Arboleda


Pandemic, novice English teacher, technology, dilema.


Taking into consideration the current situation of the pandemic and its incidence in the educational community, and particularly taking into account the perspective of English teacher training that the actors in question have taken in recent times, this paper presents a critical and reflective look at the particularities that concern the pedagogical exercise of the novice English teacher of the moment, who must overcome various situations, with the purpose of ensuring that the school reaches the children. In order to achieve this, the authors’ critique, although it may lack the inclusion of all the representations, intends to make known some questions in relation to the dilemmas faced by this teacher regarding his initial teaching activity in times of pandemic, since he is immersed in his first training process and teaching practice as an English teacher. In conclusion, some views and questions are raised that may serve as a basis and discussion for future approaches to this topic. 

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