Promoting autonomous learning through the Edmodo platform, flipped classroom and learning styles

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Jacqueline García Botero
Neira Loaiza Villalba
Margarita Alexandra Botero Restrepo


Autonomous Learning, Edmodo Platform, Flipped Classroom, Learning Styles


This paper presents the results of a mixed approach study4 whose overall objective sought to promote autonomous learning among English and French students from the bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages course of study through a teaching strategy based on the Edmodo educational platform, designed from the theory of learning styles, and on the flipped classroom methodology. On one hand, the results show that students with active-intuitive learning style make progress in their levels of autonomy easily 4 Research Project 877 attached to the Research Vice-rectory at University of Quindío developed by the ESAPIDEX-B research group (Category A Minciencias) between February 2018 and July 2019when technology plays a significant role in their learning process. On the other hand, reflective learners seem to make little progress in their autonomy levels since they do not feel identified with the flipped classroom methodology. Furthermore, it was evidenced that the level of autonomy of students participating in this study is 2 (investigation-intervention), which suggests –as provided by the psychological-evolutionary approach of autonomy– that levels of autonomy are not developed at a specific moment, but it is rather a process developed throughout the learning experience. For this reason, searching for strategies to strengthen the critical and research spirit of students and the appropriate use of ICT in education processes is of utmost importance.

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