Air pollution scenarios generated by solid waste management: a current challenge in the department of Boyacá, Colombia

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Fredy Alexander Adame Erazo
Hugo Fernando Castro Silva
Fernando Trejo Zárraga
Karol Lizeth Roa Bohórquez


Air pollution; estimation models; waste management; short-lived climate pollutants; landfills.


This work investigates several scenarios of waste management in the department of Boyacá, Colombia. Previous research have identified the potential risks of improper waste management, including the disposal of large amounts of organic matter increasing levels of CH4 , NOx , SOx , O3 , CO2 , black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC). Despite the relative short life span of these pollutants, changes in waste sector and final disposal policies causes a significant impact in urban air quality, ecosystems and health. In this way, this paper proposes a method that estimates short-lived climate pollutants from years 2000 to 2050, based in the collection of available data in the waste sector of Boyacá. The estimation models has been conducted using the SWEET 2.0 tool, an initiative from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition of the United Nations Environment Program. Each model includes a baseline and the analysis of three scenarios: (1) new compost facility; (2) landfill upgrades and (3) expand recycling. Results indicate that by 2050 levels of air pollution will continue to show a growing trend, so a detailed analysis of the current situation of waste management should be done. In the future, expanding recycling should be promoted in order to reduce the emissions of specific pollutants such as CO2 , CH4 and black carbon in Boyacá.

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