Effectiveness of the national english program 2015-2025 implemented in the educational institutions of the department of Norte de Santander.
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Efficacy, National English Program 2015-2025, English.
The objective of this research was to identify the National English Plan 2015-2025’s strengths, weaknesses and dangers, which was implemented in the educative institutions from North of Santander, for which research was conducted under a quantitative approach in which the survey was used as an information gathering technique with closed questions on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is excellent and 1 is poor, applied to teachers in the English area of secondary basic education institutions of the municipalities of Cúcuta, Villa del Rosario and Los Patios; The results were analyzed through graphs and weighting table with which a DOFA matrix was built with which the strengths and weaknesses of the Program were established in the department as well as allowed to formulate management strategies that can be applied to improve processes during the implementation of the plan. The research concluded that management indicators need to be established and interoperability improved between educational and government institutions and the integration of teachers into the processes of determining the topics and tools to be used during training days.
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