Effects on the trade of perishable in the city of Villavicencio generated by the emergency on the road to Bogota year 2019

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Hernando Castro-Garzón https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1299-0489
Juan Manuel Sánchez Céspedes https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9101-2936
Edwin Rivas Trujillo


Sustainability, impact, commercial sector.


The present study was developed with the merchants present at the Central de Abastos de Villavicencio. Its purpose is to determine the impact on the economic dimension of this type of trade caused by the suspension of vehicular flow between the cities of Villavicencio and Bogotá through the highway to the Llano that occurred in 2019. As well as, describe the different impacts presented during the emergency, the actions taken against them, identifying the sectors of commerce affected. A descriptive quantitative approach was used with questionnaire-type tools for merchants, this was applied to 285 stores that was the sample obtained and an unstructured interview for the administrative director of the Central de Abastos; the information was collected and later analyzed through the statistical analysis program SPSS. As a conclusion, it was established that transportation is the main factor of incidence in the variability of the price of perishables, likewise half of the intervened population declared losses in terms of merchandise as well as monetary losses.

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