Exploring relationships between solving problems in physics and mathematics

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Luis Fernando Mariño
César Augusto Hernández Suárez https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7974-5560
Raúl Prada Núñez


Solving physics problems, solving math problems, linear equation systems, case study.


Characterizations about solving problems in physics and mathematics have generally been done in different ways. In contrast, joint studies of these two constructs have been little addressed. This report shows the results of a qualitative research, from a case study that answers the question: how are the relationships between the resolution of physics and mathematics problems involving circuits and systems of linear equations, manifested by a group of systems engineering students? Six learning sequences were designed and implemented as sources of information collection. Data analysis was performed following the simultaneous processes of open, axial, and selective coding. The findings show how students use the knowledge at their disposal, discover and build mathematical relationships by formalizing physical laws, as well as generalizing and using methods to solve systems of linear equations. The results show a clear relationship of inclusion of strategies to solve mathematical problems among strategies to solve physics problems, characterized by a simultaneous, cyclical, and permanent workflow on the problem.

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