The didactic models in the training of university teachers, the emergency of the knowledge-others (technological and environmental) in the Covid-19 pandemic
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Teaching Models: CDC, TPACK, EPACK; Teacher Training; Covid-19 Pandemic
The purpose of the communication is to present those knowledge-others that emerge as important in the Covid-19 Pandemic and that are part of the University Teacher training. The beginning is the pedagogical / didactic model of (Shulman, 1987 -PCK), and the fusion of many that independently mix those knowledge-others, such as that of (Mishra & Koehler, 2006 -TPACK and that of Zhou, 2015- EPACK). As a scenario bet for the education of the XXI century located in a horizon of new global realities, it places us before unprecedented challenges, for example, ‘the technological’ and ‘the environmental’, those called the knowledge-others, which, from the Looking at an inclusion of a higher education, commits to a paradigm shift that favors interdisciplinary and invested learning.
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