Professional teacher identity in times of crisis: relevance of empathy in pedagogical practice

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Ibeth Morales-Escobar
Marisol Correa Londoño
Arnaldo Peinado Méndez


Teacher professional identity, narrative documentation, empathy


The article analyzes, from the narratives of teachers and students, the transformations that have occurred in the teaching identity in the context of the pandemic and how these are the basis for the teacher training agenda in the decade in which we live. It is carried out from a qualitative perspective with a narrative documentation method, to know the experiences of teachers and students from their own voice and reconstruct the knowledge, attitudes, in short, the experience that teachers have of their own work within the framework of this global health crisis. The analysis allows us to infer that empathy is recognized as a professional attitude that has had transforming power in the feelings and actions of students, and that allowed to accompany and continue with the teaching and learning processes. 

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