Establishment of the human management factors applied in a group of automotive repair establishments in Villavicencio-Meta

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Hernando Castro Garzón
Juan Carlos Hernández Criado
Edwin Rivas Trujillo


sustainability, human management, social benefits, remuneration, automotive trade.


The study was carried out in the Porvenir neighborhood of Villavicencio, the main objective was to analyze the behavior of establishments dedicated to the trade and auto repair or auto parts to identify the strengths as well as the weaknesses present, as well as the opportunities together with the threats, for On the other hand, the work points were characterized, the salary and social benefits processes were described, and an analysis of the results obtained was also carried out.

The intervention made it possible to detail, in addition to updating, how the automotive sector is in both salary and social benefits issues; Additionally, it helped businessmen and merchants to reflect or learn about legal labor issues in the country; on the other hand, collect information aimed at measuring the state, as well as the behavior of the sector in general.

A questionnaire with multiple-choice questions was used as an instrument, which was applied to a sample of 188 locals; The processing of the information obtained was carried out through tables, graphs in Excel, also by the statistical program SPSS 25. Finally, within the most relevant conclusions, it was found that almost half of the establishments do not affiliate or pay legal social benefits.

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