Convergence of knowledge in the formation of contemporary social work

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Milton Alier Montero-Ferreira
Laura Nataly Galvis Velandia
Maritza Carolina Jaimes Márquez


Convergence, complexity, knowledge, disciplinary training.


The article is part of the results of the research “Theoretical-methodological approach to the convergence model in Social Work, contributions and challenges to the development of the profession in the XXI century”; it developed from complex thinking; with a phenomenological qualitative approach, with convenience sampling recognizing significant research and intervention experiences of social workers from different countries from a convergent perspective.

In the results that are presented, the category of permanent renewal in disciplinary training stands out, from where the following subcategories were prioritized: training in the global and local relationship, the importance of articulating knowledge, the challenge of formative research and the need of critical thinking.

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