Educational landscapes: pain, marks and body wear in a production plant.

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Leidy Yaneth Vásquez Ramírez
Teresita Ospina Álvarez
Edilberto Hernández González


Bodies-machines, Mapping, Education (other), Industrialized bodies, Spaces-landscapes


This article presents a cartography of the industrialization of pain, of brands and the wear of the bodies in a production plant, where it is designed, printed and bind educational material; whose purposes were aimed at composing landscapes subjective factors in the daily life of a production plant and what it is manufacturing in the bodies; likewise, experiment with maps of intensities, discontinuities, becoming and events of the bodies in the daily life of the plant; and, create-invent a series of narrations-poems lines, in which the production of subjectivities in the key of training in everyday life, outside the school institution. The study was theoretically and methodologically based on the philosophies of difference, scenario in the that a cartographic method was composed in four moments: the first: inhabiting the plant; the second: the expansion of bodies, meetings-conversations; the third: to happen landscape, realization of production activities; and the fourth moment: experimentation-creation of knowledge. Through these actions, it was possible to establish that the productive activity carried out in the production plant has intensities that are recorded in the form of scars, deformations and chronic ailments, thus constituting, a bodily experience in terms of machine-bodies and eco-business We also perceive the configuration of a grammar of fatigue that travels the spaces of the plant and the daily life of the operators; showing up two bodies that resist and create inside a production plant located in the city of Medellín.

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