Multiculturalisms & border a constrastation between policies and the reality of educational institutions of the border colombo-venezolana.

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Torcoroma Velásquez Pérez
Andrés Mauricio Puentes Velásquez
Hugo Fernando Castro Silva


Multiculturalism, Border, Educational public policies


Society is currently facing countless changes, transformations and obstacles that have arisen from everyday life, one of them linked to the pandemic of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2); others reflected in the increase of the migratory flow that is experienced in the sister country Venezuela, where the figures are not at all encouraging, and the socio-economic crisis is becoming more and more accentuated; for this reason, the present research is proposed as an objective: To reveal the impact of multiculturalism and the contrast of policies in the educational institutions of the Colombian-Venezuelan border, axis of action: Cúcuta, Villa del Rosario, La Parada (Colombia) and San Antonio de Táchira (Venezuela). Research carried out under the precepts of methodological complementarity (quali-quantitative) supported by ontological, epistemological and gnoseological referents based on interpretation, analysis and reflection (hermeneutic analysis), complemented with elements of descriptive statistics (percentages), which determines the level of impact of multiculturalisms in the realities of border education and its relation with educational public policies.

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