Globalisation and digital culture in educational environments.

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Raúl Prada Núñez
William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro
Cesar Augusto Hernández Suarez


Globalization, Digital culture, Education, Educational organizations


The rise of globalization thanks to the development of new information and communication technologies and the expansion of the internet brought with it the advent of new forms of communication and interactions called digital culture. These new ways of relating and interacting between social groups represent constant innovations and transformations in the different spheres of societies, including education. The objective of this work is to describe the effects of globalization and digital culture in educational environments. The research corresponds to a theoretical documentary and / or bibliographic review. The results showed that education needs to adapt to the present, through teacher training for the proper use of technological tools. Similarly, it faces the challenge of an increasingly diverse and multicultural education. Digital culture constantly pressures to redefine and reinvent the educational process as a whole.

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