Application of collaborative learning in the development of practical competences during the Covid-19 pandemic within a human computer interaction course.

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Gabriel Elías Chanchí Golondrino
Manuel Alejandro Ospina Alarcón
Martín Emilio Monroy Ríos


Collaborative learning, Human-computer interaction, Remote attendance, Virtuality


The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has forced higher education institutions to adapt their different academic processes (classes, meetings, academic events) to the dynamics and challenges of virtuality. In this sense, in addition to the digital divide, among the challenges raised by this pandemic in the academic context are: the training of teachers in the use of ICT and in terms of the appropriation of methodologies for virtuality, as well as development of skills in practical courses during remote presence. In this article we present as a contribution the application of the collaborative learning methodology in the development of practical activities within the Human-Computer Interaction course of the Systems Engineering Program of the University of Cartagena. Specifically, the methodology of the practical sessions developed within the topic of usability inspections was adapted to remote presence, taking into account teleconferencing and collaborative work tools. Through the collaborative sessions designed, different inspection exercises on general purpose applications, web applications and video games were developed in the course. The proposal presented is intended to be extrapolated for the development of remote practical activities in other courses in the area of Engineering.

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