Study habits, motivation and student stress in virtual learning environments.

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Heidi Angélica Salinas Padilla
Juan José Díaz Perera
Cynthia Daniela Alvarez Amezcua
Mario Saucedo Fernández


Instrument validation, Virtuality, Study habits, Emotions


Social isolation, anxiety and depression are the main difficulties or concerns experienced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic, thus improving the ability to adapt to the use of technological resources. The main objective of the study was to describe what is the perception of students about their role as virtual student and how this new educational context influences their emotions and feelings, within their training process. Methodology: exclusively the pilot of the instrument is presented that allows obtaining information that explains the situation of university students in relation to the virtual modality and specifically about their role, study habits and stress conditions The sample used for the pilot of the instrument, with participants, 318 students, between the ages of 18 and 25, and who are enrolled at the undergraduate level and with a heterogeneous socioeconomic stratum. The instrument that was applied was: a selfadministered Liket type survey, the participants were invited through the academic units that are enrolled, Results: As an outstanding result, it is observed that 80.7% of the students and respondents agree that the habits Study are essential to have a good academic performance, however only 65.9% indicate that they often use study techniques that facilitate my learning such as mental or conceptual maps, diagrams, bibliographic records, among others. And 73.8% consider that the way in which teachers convey new knowledge influences their school motivation, and this aspect of support from the facilitator, 64.7% of students agree that the support given by teachers is an important aspect for your motivation. Conclusion: Until now, the instrument in this test phase generates relevant information to know the perception of university students in relation to their role as a student in virtual mode, their study habits, and their emotional situation.

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