To research with literature and art in education: continue the literature through other means.

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John Echavarría Cañas
Teresita Ospina Álvarez


Arts, City, Bodies, Minographic writings, Researchcreate and minor literatures


In the text we deal with reflecting on various aesthetic productions: cinema, painting, photography, sculpture and minographic writings (the latter derived from the experimentations of the doctoral thesis) as a way of making literature continue, in a special way, from the approach of the lesser, that is to say, some types of minor literatures that in the key of the philosophy of difference are assumed as vital stakes of the various modes of existence. It is worth saying that although this article does not make in-depth discussions about the research method of the doctoral thesis, it is important to make clear that from the concept of experimentation in authors of the philosophy of difference (Deleuze, Guattari, Onfray, Pellejero and Zambrano ) in intersections with research-creation as a methodical perspective approached from authors of the philosophy of experience (Manning and Massumi), we motivated a methodical way of proceeding that investigated other aesthetic forms, and from there, to continue literature as writing of experimentation, that is, minographic writings. This type of aesthetic productions allowed the deployment of a series of methodical actions to create with the bodies that were present in the city of Medellín. Some bodies that inhabited existential places to become other bodies and subjectivities.

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