Effect acetic acid bactericide present in vinegar, an alternative to disinfectants synthetic or chemical. Systematic review.

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John Jairo Cáceres Espitia
Liliana Caycedo Lozano https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9274-3148
Diana Marcela Trujillo Suárez https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9462-0339


Vinegar, Acetic acid, Disinfectant, Organic, Inorganic


Traditionally, in environments such as laboratories, the home or in places dedicated to handling food, synthetic type disinfectants are usually used, which due to the high content of chemical agents such as chlorine, produce harmful effects on health. At present, alternatives have been evaluated to produce and use environmentally friendly substances, which are as less harmful as possible, in this sense the use of ecological disinfectants has been promoted. In the case of kitchens, for example, overexposure to the use of a chemical disinfectant can bring complications to the personnel who work there and also the food can be altered due to the effects of cross contamination. An example of a disinfection alternative that is worth reviewing is Vinegar, its chemical characteristics related to the presence of acetic acid in high concentration, can trigger faster degradation processes, which in turn minimize the toxic risk associated with chemical and synthetic substances.

Focusing on the above, the PGAE seedbed attached to the Basic Sciences program of the Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca guided a systematic review focused on the chemical properties of Vinegar and its fundamental constituent (acetic acid). This work was presented in the regional edition of the RedColsi seedbeds meeting (2021) within the framework of formative research and the most relevant results that suggest the need to carry out research focused on the subject in question as an alternative that can be replicated are listed below. and used widely within the framework of green chemistry.

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