Application of natural language processing as an analysis technique in textual production, case of UFPSO Systems Engineering students.

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Claudia Marcela Durán Chinchilla
Carmen Liceth García Quintero
Alveiro Alonso Rosado Gómez


Semantic analysis, Text analysis, Natural language processing, Text mining


This research used words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs with the intention of identifying the ability that students have to transmit verbal information. To achieve this objective, quantitative descriptive research was taken into account. As an information gathering technique, a textual production workshop was applied; in which, the students wrote a short text, summary type, from the reading of a writing. Once the exercise was carried out, the analysis of the grammatical construction was carried out, using natural language processing, allowing the words to be separated into adequate sets to evaluate their intentionality. The results obtained suggest that a large part of the students have difficulty in constructing writings and that the way in which they try to express their ideas has a simple grammatical structure, preventing the communication from fulfilling the intention and the message being effective.

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