Presentation: Citizenship training, humanities and community.

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Julio César Arboleda


Citizenship training, Humanities and community


In this issue of the Redipe Magazine, the need to vindicate the usefulness of pedagogy and the humanities to build a better world and life is highlighted. Without the active protagonism of the human sciences, citizen formation will be a long hope, with its back to the need for people to gain understanding, critical and edifying consciousness. A look is needed in which the notion of the common, based on co-activity, displaces the notion of community, which focuses on processes of possession and belonging according to the criteria of the despotic reason of the market, affirming the inequalities and exclusions that erode existence. It is necessary that the collective memory, today dismembered, torn apart by the barbarism of the history of hidden pain, give rise to a process of defragmentation of the past, that is, of reorganization of the parts of that collective memory, which makes them accessible. This is the condition of the possibility of a fully conscious citizen formation, of a citizenship responsible with itself, with the other and with the other that weaves the pluriverse life.

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