From the community to the common: Waste.

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Alba Lucía Zuleta Gaviria


Community, The common, Waste, Historical-pedagogical anthropology


This article is the product of the investigation “the common: discarded bodies in relation to waste”, carried out in Moravia neighborhood in the City of Medellín. Both the survival and political processes of the inhabitants were understood thanks to situated observation, access to archive documents, images and interviews. The method used is “the trigger”, which is based on the framing of the gaze, to approach or move away from the observed phenomenon intentionally. An enlarged frame allows to see the phenomena in relation to the institutional aspect; Likewise, in the position of the observer, through the gesture of approaching, the researcher makes a detailed frame to focus on the phenomenon and thus perceive its signals. Precisely one of the signals perceived in this research context has to do with the community: a word used complacently in economic, political, and educational discourses. Thanks to the “in situ” investigation, it was found that, through their actions, the inhabitants of Moravia contradict the traditional conception of Community originating from the Social Sciences. On the contrary, the inhabitants of Moravia join in processes of coercion around waste, that is, around the production of the common. Historicalpedagogical anthropology is the perspective in which the investigation is inscribed, insofar as it does not defend a unitary conception of the human being and does not privilege its thematization in the abstract, in addition to the fact that it does not have a specific set of methods. It is concluded that it is necessary not only to resist language in language itself in relation to the use of the notion of Community, but also to advance towards the understanding of the production of the common as a possibility for the creation of various forms of human relationships.

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