Towards the development of UNESCO’S digital skills during confinement in a humancomputer interaction course.
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Digital skills, Covid-19, Hci, User testing, Usability
As a consequence of the confinement caused by COVID-19, Higher Education Institutions have adapted their academic processes to the particularities of the so-called remote presence, having as a challenge in the different courses, the development of practical skills in students and digital skills in teachers. In this order of ideas, UNESCO, starting from the vision of the agenda for sustainable development, has proposed a framework of ICT competencies for teachers, which comprises a set of 18 competencies structured in 3 levels and 6 aspects. This article proposes as a contribution, the development of digital competences of UNESCO, within one of the practical topics of the elective course of Human-Computer Interaction of the Systems Engineering Program of the University of Cartagena. Specifically, the topic “user testing” was adapted from the course, which is traditionally developed in a practical way in a usability laboratory. In this manner, using teleconferencing, remote monitoring and survey management tools, the students and the course teacher set up the basic infrastructure of a virtual usability laboratory, in which the students could develop the practices of the topic in question.
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