Virtual education during the Covid-19 pandemic. A bibliometric review.

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Efrain A. Boom Cárcamo
Francisco Garcia Payares
Claudia Vergel Castro
Dailing Boom Cárcamo


Virtual education, Covid-19, Learning, Bibliometrics


The purpose of this review article, from the perspective of bibliometric analysis, is to know and understand the evolution of virtual education in the different areas of knowledge, from the appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus virus, which has been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). In the bibliometric analysis carried out, a systematic approach is applied, using the SCOPUS databases and to represent the data, the visualization software VOSViewer and Power BI. An exploratory analysis of the co-authors is carried out, journals that publish the most articles referring to virtual education since the appearance of covid-19, analysis of institutions, analysis of co-citation, countries with the most published documents and co-occurrence of keywords. The results provide an overview of virtual education during the covid-19 pandemic, show a growing interest from the scientific community and reveal complete bibliometric data on the main authors, affiliations and areas of knowledge in which more documents are published on the theme.

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