Body - Text - Technology: A relationship to think about education and communication in molecular times.

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Hernán Javier Riveros Solórzano


Biotechnology, Artificial intelligence, Technosciences, Biopragmatics, Corporeality


Contemporary societies are undergoing a profound technological transformation in which they have passed from the modern mechanical model to algorithmic computational logic. In this framework and with the development of the I.A. and of the processes of technosciences and their advances in the genetic and molecular universe, it is necessary for education and communication to begin to weave new relationships, conceptual inventions and methodological possibilities for the analysis of emerging phenomena such as those that arise with an epoch crossed by the preponderance of problematizations sometimes visible under the microscope lens or the precision of the algorithm. This research takes as its starting point the approach of biopragmatics as a methodological and pedagogical tool for the construction of education and communication processes that, based on the relationship between bodies, their textual nature and the preponderance of technology in social processes contemporaries, enable the consolidation of critical citizenships capable of analyzing and appropriating the concepts, uses and applications of technosciences in molecular times and that have been implicit in the nature-culture continuum, viral schemes and the challenges of the cyborg universe, the algorithmic and the genetic.

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