Social representations about being a teacher in students of physical education degree from two universities in the department of Antioquia.

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Cristian Arley Pulgarín González
Alexis Cardozo Molina
Enoc Valentín González Palacio


Identity of the teacher, Teacher, Education, Social representations


This article provides reflections on an important dimension in educational theory and praxis: the identity and role of the teacher from the conception of those who are being prepared to perform the profession. It is based on the fact that there are times of change for the field of Education due to, mainly, phenomena such as globalization and virtualization. These tendencies have had a direct effect on the activity of teachers and their functions in the academy, placing them at a critical point. New demands and challenges arise for the guild, and in that dynamic, the identity of the teacher becomes also very problematic ¿What does it mean to be a teacher today? This approach can be solved from different points of view; from the current legislation referred to the teacher being promoted by the state, going through the elaborations of directives and managers of each institution, up to the self-concept that each teacher has of himself. This investigation in particular pretends, through the Social Representations Theory, show the way the superior education students, specifically those that are studying Physical Education and Sports Degree from two private universities located in Antioquia department in Colombia, conceive and configure the role of teacher.

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