The effects of curricular pedagogical programs that apply motor games on the development of executive functions in preschool: A systematic review.
Main Article Content
Executive functions, Preschool, Motor play, Development
The purpose of this systematic review is to describe the effects of curricular pedagogical programs that apply motor games in the development of executive functions during the preschool stage, since motor games have been proclaimed as a driver for cognitive and executive development, taking more importance in infantile ages, however, there are still gaps on the effectiveness of explanatory research on this activity in reference to the biological processes of neuromaturation and its impact on learning processes during the preschool stage in educational institutions, The eligible studies were peer-reviewed publications in English, Portuguese and Spanish that sampled a population of children with an average age between 3 and 7 years old and focused on developing and assessing an executive function. The reporting items followed the review guide (PRISMA), to finally select nine investigations that met the inclusion criteria. As a result, it can be affirmed that motor play and EF are closely correlated, having a significant impact on working memory, cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control and planning, and that these transcend in behaviors and behavior in educational, social, emotional and mainly cognitive contexts. In addition, the findings show the need to implement study plans based on motor play as a means of teaching-learning in preschool stages, since it presents greater benefit in the processes of neuroplasticity and learning.
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