Foreign language teachers’ experiences about the transition from face-to-face instruction to emergency remote teaching from a narrative perspective

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Yazmin Delgadillo Collazos
Nelsy Alexandra Delgado Burbano


Emergency remote teaching, Face-to-face instruction, Teachers, Experiences, Narrative


This paper reports a narrative research study on language teaching in higher education. The study aimed to describe the experiences lived by nine language teachers during the transition process from face-to-face to emergency remote teaching and conducted within a qualitative research approach using narrative methodology as a technique of inquiry. The data were collected through stories and a focus group. Based on the data analysis, three main categories were identified: affective component, pedagogical component and technological component. The results showed that at the beginning, the transition was stressful and upsetting, however as time went by, teachers started to feel more confident and calmer about the way they addressed their classes because they adapted to the new teaching reality.

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