Imaginary and social representations about migration and the importance of its inclusion in education

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José Orlando García Mendoza
Carol Mildred Estupiñán
William Rodrigo Avendaño Castro


Imaginary, Social representations, Migration, Education


Objective: to understand the imaginary and social representations of immigrant parents / representatives living in the City of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia, on the phenomenon of migration and education. Method: Qualitative, phenomenological in nature. The key informants are some Venezuelan emigrants. To collect the information, narrative methods and life stories will be combined as it is part of the meaning of what they have had to live. Also, techniques such as the in-depth interview are used. Results: the social representations vary with respect to education in terms of access, adaptation and integration, they are images that the informant subjects developed in interaction with the educational context of the City of Cúcuta. Conclusion: immigrants, by actively integrating into local society, organize and regulate experiences and behavior, assigning a value to the educational context where their representative develops, and in turn, strengthens the image of their own objective awareness of cultural, normative and cultural criteria. educational representation and that is anchored to the preexisting system of thought.

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