Recognition: Social ontology and pedagogical thought

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Julio César Arboleda


Recognition, Social ontology, Pedagogical thinking


The title of this issue emphasizes the recognition of the person as a human being. Although on other occasions this topic has been addressed in Redipe from ethical, anthropological and ontological political approaches, this time it is done from the social ontology and also from the pedagogical thought, in particular of Freire and Simón Rodríguez. In this sense, Mario Gil elaborates an ontological and social reflection of the refugee, the displaced and the marginalized, their political impact and the importance of hospitality towards the most disadvantaged, claiming the importance of recognition. A matter that can be consciously addressed from the Eurocentric world on which the author is based, or from approaches of decolonial encouragement, among other possibilities. Likewise, in the article on the multidimensional essence of recognition, by Natalia Paiba Alzate, recognition is addressed from the perspectives of Fraser and Honneth, and above all the possibility of integrating in the school the objective, subjective and intersubjective dimensions of this category, if this primordial value for the development of personality and self-realization is preferred, an uplifting good of the human being. 4 Without the formation of a comprehensive and uplifting consciousness, it is difficult to face in a critical and generative way the mental, cultural, social, legal and political obstacles, among others that inhibit recognition. The pedagogical thought of Simón Rodríguez and, in particular, of Freire and those who advocate the comprehensive and active strengths of the learner, recognize the liberating and humanizing potential of recognition.

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Gil C., Mario. Ontología del refugiado y del desplazado. Revista Boletín Redipe, 11-3.

Paiba A., N., (2022). La esencia multidimensional del reconocimiento: Fraser y Honneth. Revista Boletín Redipe, 11-3.