The multidimensional essence of recognition: Fraser and Honneth
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Recognition, Complex, Multidimensional, Fraser, Honneth, School
The article proposes a complex analysis of recognition based on the objective, intersubjective and subjective dimensions. Fraser’s theory and his proposal of justice as participatory parity ensures moral equality and the objective condition of recognition. Honneth’s theory and the moral stages offer the conditions for personal fulfillment to ensure the dimensions of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. In addition, the school setting is proposed to integrate the recognition dimensions. The article is divided into three sections. The first section presents the discussion between Fraser and Honneth about recognition. In the second section, recognition is proposed as a complex category based on multidimensionality; and the third one appears in the school space, where it is possible to integrate the different dimensions of recognition. Finally, some conclusions are presented.
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