Product development model for academic proyects

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Henry Montaña Quintero
Edwin Rivas Trujillo
Nelson Rodríguez Montaña


Product development, Development models, Knowledge management, Life cycle, Project management


The development of a product PD implies the application of different models to take a product from the idea to the market launch, seeking to reduce risks, cycles and times of PD product development. The PD is generally done within methodologies or good practices of project management, which implies that there are many options to select the PD model, directly affecting the planning and sequencing of activities in project management. This article presents the results of research on product development models, conceptual components and phases with the objective of proposing a model that integrates the best of these models and evaluate the application in the academic development environment. An evaluation of the model compared to the STAR reference model is carried out to observe the performance in terms of times, resources and development cycles, for which 16 focus groups conformed for engineering students were taken that applied the two models in the development of a specific product, evidencing a greater performance with the proposed model.

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