Didactic model for the teaching and learning of mathematics with manipulative didactic materials

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Jorge Eliécer Gutiérrez Uribe https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9686-2486


Didactic model, Mathematics teaching and learning, Manipulative didactic material


The purpose of this research was to generate a didactic model for the teaching and learning of mathematics with manipulative didactic materials for elementary school students in the official institutions of the municipality of Piedecuesta, Santander. For this purpose, it was considered fundamental to carry out an analysis of the conceptions that teachers have about the teaching and learning of mathematics, and based on these results, the categories that explained the practice from their ideas were defined. In the same way, the actions that teachers had in practice about the didactics they implemented were analyzed in order to make the theoretical proposal of a didactic model. Theoretically, the research was based on the considerations of Godino (2011), who conceives the didactics of mathematics as a science oriented to the design of processes. Epistemologically, the relationship between the cognizing subject and the object to be known was considered, framed from the paradigm and epistemological approach of qualitative scientific research of phenomenological character. The universe space was constituted by the classroom teachers of the basic primary education cycle, from whom information was collected through the application of a semi-structured interview. All this motivated the generation of a didactic model for the teaching and learning of mathematics with manipulative materials, leading to the construction of theoretical contributions for the strengthening of mathematics teaching based on teachers’ conceptions and pedagogical practices.

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