Educational resource based on gamification for the appropriation of the construction and maintenance process of the aquaponic production systems of Greenfish S.A. company
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Accessibility, Educational resource, Gamification, M-learning, Usability
One of the current challenges in the educational context is to improve the appropriation of knowledge in the different subjects taught in the classroom, taking into consideration their complexity and the different ways of learning of today’s students. In this sense, gamification is a fundamental tool to enrich and appropriate in a better way the teaching and learning processes in the classroom, having as an advantage the increase of motivation and immersion of the students in the topics of the different courses. In the same order of ideas, companies also require the appropriation of knowledge in certain topics by their employees and customers, so the inclusion of gamification can contribute to improve their competitiveness in the market, hand in hand with innovation. According to the above, in this article we propose as a contribution the construction of an educational resource based on M-Learning and gamification to contribute to the appropriation of the process of construction and maintenance of aquaponic production systems by workers and customers of the company GREENFISH of the department of Cauca. The constructed resource was validated through the knowledge test, which showed a representative improvement in the number of participants who answered the questions correctly in the post-test with respect to the pre-test.
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