Semiotic representation records for understanding the ellipse using GeoGebra
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Conical sections, Semiotic representations, Geogebra, Teaching sequences
This article presents an experience in the classroom, which is the product of an investigation with the purpose that 10th grade students of a private educational institution in Tunja would come to understand the mathematical object ellipse coordinating the semiotic representation registers, such as: the algebraic, graphic and verbal registers. The study was based on Duval’s Theory of Semiotic Representation Registers (1999), with a qualitative approach, where didactic engineering (Artigue, 1995) was used as a methodology to achieve the proposed objectives. Regarding the experimental phase, didactic sequences mediated by Geogebra software, the theory of semiotic representation registers and the theory of didactic situations were used.
Among the main results of the research, it was observed that the students were able to coordinate the pictorial and natural language registers, as well as the algebraic register with the graphic register
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