Consequences of the food suspension on the family economy of the members of the Ulpiano Navarro Educational Unit caused by COVID-19

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Erick Steeven Gómez Araujo
Elizabeth Amanda Méndez Maldonado
Rómulo Arteño Ramos
Mery Elizabeth Zavala Machado


Food plan, Crisis, Covid-19, Confinement, Family economy


The investigation entitled Consequences of the food suspension in the family economy of the members of the Ulpiano Navarro Educational Unit due to COVID-19, is a study carried out in the aforementioned institution located in the rural parish of Quichinche belonging to Otavalo, Imbabura province, the which aimed to analyze the consequences generated by the temporary suspension of the rural school feeding plan in the family economy of the students of the Ulpiano Navarro Educational Unit due to the declaration of a pandemic due to the expansion of COVID-19 during the period of Mandatory national confinement between March and May 2020, a measure ordered by the Central Government to stop the spread of contagion of this disease, the representatives and / or relatives of the students, not being able to work normally due to the aforementioned restrictions, noticed a decrease significant in your monthly monetary income, as well Once, since the students were unable to attend educational institutions in person, they were not benefited from the food they received on a daily basis. The research is of a descriptive type aimed at detailing the qualities and attributes of the population under study. The survey is used as a methodological strategy, and the questionnaire together with the interview guide as instruments, the result obtained highlights the enormous social crisis where a large part of the families belonging to the Ulpiano Navarro Educational Unit had difficulties in acquiring goods and food due to the lack of money and the absence of effective planning of the Ministry of Education for the execution of these feeding programs.

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