Conceptions, devices and experiences of appropriation and management of knowledge

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Julio César Arboleda


Consciousness, Educational and knowledge management, Meaning of life


In terms of educational and knowledge management, it is necessary to resignify the processes of appropriation and transfer of knowledge aimed at strengthening institutional development. The model to which such management is subjected points more to the formation of knowledge than to better human beings; it is more at the service of the world of the market than of the world of life. Under this vision, life is assumed as that form of existence that the market determines; a depersonalized market model that subsumes the production, appropriation and use of knowledge. It is a model and a management of knowledge indebted to life, since it contributes more to consumption than to common life. Knowledge folds to have, to optimize a production whose circulation treasures greater economic gains, in an order favorable to growing social inequality, exclusion and injustice.

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