Proposal for an edutainment-type serious video game for the appropriation of health measures against COVID-19

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Alexander Esteban Coneo J.
Jesús Alberto Morales R.
Gabriel Elías Chanchí G.


Covid-19, Serious game, Video game, Visual programming


The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has had a significant impact in different are-as such as education, health, industry and socio-economic aspects. Likewise, people have had to adapt to changes in habits in order to comply with self-care standards and biosecurity protocols to prevent the virus infection, which has not been effective due to the lack of knowledge of the importance of such protocols, as well as the need for people to carry out their activities in person. In this article we propose as a contribution the development of a serious video game for the dissemination and awareness of the proper use of biosafety protocols and self-care measures against COVID-19, which was named DistanceRun. The proposed serious video game was built using the Design Thinking methodology and the free visual programming platform GDevelop. For the evaluation of the video game built, a usability inspection was carried out using Pinelle’s video game usability heuristics.

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