Academic Burnout caused by virtuality as a modality of learning, derived from the Covid-19 pandemic

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Raúl José Martelo Gómez
David Antonio Franco Borré
Delvis Muñoz Rojas


Social psychology, Occupational diseases, Education, Teachers, Virtuality


The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in university teachers due to virtuality as a learning modality derived from the Covid-19 pandemic. The study corresponded to a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and analytical type of research. To analyze the prevalence of Burnout, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used, which measures the 3 characteristics of the syndrome: personal fulfillment, depersonalization, and emotional exhaustion. The results of the sample were compared with the Maslach and Jackson cut-off points for teachers, extracted from the MBI manual, obtaining a low-level Syndrome prevalence. It is concluded that it is difficult to compare the prevalence of burnout with other studies, due to the diversity of measurement instruments used, as well as the samples and cut-off points chosen.

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