Education for Citizenship from an Environmental Approach in the Colombian Caribbean

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Plinio Gustavo Orozco Vera
Gloria Vera de Orozco


Citizenship education, Environmental habits, Environmental culture


This article revolves around the problem related to the lack of environmental culture in Barranquilla, a city in the Colombian Caribbean where the lack of environmental habits has had a negative impact on the conservation of natural resources. For this reason, a description of the environmental culture and its impact in that context is offered, according to the characterization of the scope of this problem in each of the localities in the city. From a qualitative methodology supported by mixed research procedures, and the rationalist paradigm since cultural phenomena are analyzed, which eminently requires description from qualitative techniques to obtain more significant analysis. The exploratory results in the documents of institutions and the review of reports of organizations in charge showed the effects of poor air quality, bodies of water, garbage in the streets, lack of public space and the scarcity of green spaces such as main difficulties facing the city as a result of environmental culture. So, to generate positive impacts to manage these problems, it is necessary to implement an environmental education policy that contributes to making good environmental actions viral, that points to changes to mitigate the effects of bad practices caused by ignorance and lack of interest in this important theme in this Special, Industrial and Port District of the Caribbean.

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