Editorial. Teacher leadership in the face of new learning environments in higher education

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Alma Rosa Hernández Mondragón
Karina Trejo Sánchezii
Marcela Rosario Salazar Ibáñeziii
Guilherme Mendes Tomaz dos Santosiv


educational change, teaching leadership, educational management, knowledge society, quality of human life, deep education


The conformation of dynamically complex societies (Fullan, Morin), constitutes a framework of analysis to glimpse the main challenges that will have to face, in general the educational institutions, and in particular the teachers, who will have to play a leading role from a centered leadership in deep learning, whose foundation is a socio-critical and evolutionary rationality. For this, it requires as a continuum to become aware of its role, to create itself to create, to practice generosity, to promote the common good for social transformation and human evolution. (Of the Herrán Gascón, Barnett, Kotter, Habermas, IIPE).

This communication includes three sections: i) the meaning of the change in the triad: society project, educational project and human being project and its relationship with the types of cognitive interests of Habermas; ii) emerging approaches to teacher leadership; iii) educational management and leadership docent

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