Education and legal argumentation: The importance of formal and auxiliary sources in the development of legal research

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Martín Casadiegos Santana
Lizbeth Jaime Jaime
Ana María Carrascal Vergel


Education, Sources of Law, Legal argumentation, Proposals for legal monographs, Lawyers


This research article seeks to carry out a critical analysis against the usability of the formal sources of law and its correct application in the processes of legal argumentation, as a formula for the academic and professional construction of the lawyer, for this we take as the main sample one hundred proposals of monographs filed during the years 2020 and 2021, before the curricular committee of the Law program of the Francisco de Paula Santander University, Ocaña section, focusing the study on the usability of formal sources, as elements of vital importance in the construction of a academic text, thus achieving to determine that the poor use of each and every one of the sources in a proportional and updated way, directly affects the creation of an investigative roadmap that leads to an impact monograph.

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