Work culture in schools for teaching performance

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Loisa Tatiana Camacho Bautista
David Antonio Franco Borré
Javier Antonio Pinedo Cabarcas


Education, Educational quality, Organizational culture, Teachers, Leadership, Communication


The spaces and the management that takes place in educational institutions determine educational performance and quality, hence the work culture plays a preponderant role in these institutions. The objective of this research was to analyze the work culture for teaching performance in private sector institutions. This research was descriptive and correlational. The population was made up of 123 teachers and 14 directors assigned to private educational institutions. An instrument containing 81 items was developed. Validity was based on content and expert judgment, for reliability the Cronbach’s Alpha formula was applied. The results showed that the work culture is significant for teaching performance. It is recommended to plan workshops for reflection on the needs of the institution, where the staff expose their work expectations, at a personalprofessional level, in order to promote meetings between departments and between them with managers.

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