Assessment of learning in physics: An analysis of the concept of force

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Raúl Prada Núñez
Cesar Augusto Hernández Suarez
Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suarez


Physics concepts, Learning assessment, Force concept inventory


The objective of the experiment was to determine if the teaching of the concept of force from the perspective of active learning using free body diagram allows a conceptual change in its learning. An inventory on the concept of force was applied to a study group through a pretestposttest design with the purpose of knowing the level of conceptualization of the students of a Physics subject. The results of the pretest allowed to know the level of conceptualization that the students and provided information for the development of workshops based on real physical situations that required the elaboration of force diagrams. The results of the posttest allowed to estimate the learning of Hake and showed advances and difficulties on the conceptual evaluation of the students in the learning of the concept of force.

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