Methodological indicators and factors that intervene in educational quality of private sector schools
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Education, Educational quality, Teachers, Self-evaluation, Educational management
The spaces and the management that takes place in educational institutions determine educational performance and quality, hence the work culture plays a preponderant role in these institutions. The objective of this research was to analyze the methodological indicators and the factors that intervene in educational quality in private sector institutions. This research was of a descriptive correlational type with a nonexperimental design. The population was made up of 123 teachers, and 14 directors assigned to private educational institutions. An instrument was developed, whose validity was content and expert judgment was applied, for reliability the Cronbach’s Alpha formula was applied. The results showed that in most cases the application of the indicators and factors in the institutions studied is perceived as inefficient. Finally, it is concluded that, when characterizing the methodological indicators of educational quality in private sector institutions, it was evidenced that they are linked to the educational context, to evaluation and self-evaluation processes.
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