Proposal of analysis categories of the academic performance of university students of architecture
Main Article Content
Formative assessment, Quality of education, Higher vocational training, Teaching of architecture, Academic performance
The main purpose of this article is to explore the various factors that influence the academic performance of university architecture students. The study has a qualitative and interpretive design of documentary type. The first phase of analysis corresponded to the construction of the conceptual framework and the definition of the characteristics that guided the study. In the second, the case studies were studied according to the defined characteristics, documents and information from experiences in different countries were taken as input, where interactions, similarities, conceptual differences and theoretical approaches are highlighted. The third consisted of a multidimensional comparative analysis of the case studies. As a result, a proposal for multivariate categorization of academic performance is presented, from the disciplinary integrality. This indicates a more complex rationality of analysis, which guides future applications and approaches in various case studies.
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