An educational view of sustainable development, or don't walking through the branches

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Ramón Mínguez Vallejos


Values, Education, Sustenaibility, Citizenship, Introducción


We live in a time of deep crisis that affects people’s relationships with nature, as well as the equitable access to the goods and resources provided by the Earth. The current society is based on the culture of consumption, culture that affects the life forms as a whole, the multiple manifestations of life and all the dimensions of the person. During the last decades, consumption has increased so exponentially that it has led us to a way of life that has led to a serious threat to the future of humanity and life on this planet.

Values Education can help to modify the relationship of human beings with each other and with nature. For this, it is necessary to reorient the sense of education towards a sustainable way of life. Educating for a sustainable life is not only about becoming aware of environmental problems caused by an uncontrolled and wasteful use of people. In addition, another education based on another ethic and another educational practice is needed. The vital capital of Mother Earth must remain a value in itself for present and future generations. Along with this value, others (degrowth, austerity and the way of simplicity) that contribute to a sustainable way of life.

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