Trends in quality assurance in higher education: A critical appraisal of the case of Angola

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Yosvany Pedroso González
Inidia Rubio Vargas
Acácio de Jesús


Quality, Quality Assurance, Good practices


This work is the result of a meticulous review of current trends in the matter of Quality Assurance (QA) in Higher Education and its assurance, as well as the encounters with good practices that are being developed in the world and the main challenges of QA policies for the development of the social mandate of HEIs in the world and in each region. In its essence, it is about carrying out comparative analyzes based on a set of validated patterns as references for the proper functioning of the processes and entities in charge of organizing, planning, executing and controlling the training of higher-level professionals. For this, a device of national or regional accreditation agencies has been created integrated into networks of accreditation insurers around the world, which consolidate all the information related to educational policies, those to support substantive processes, the development of key processes, among others, all of which generates new truthful and reliable information that makes it possible to grant a category status to an HEI or some of its processes against internationally established reference standards.

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