Comprehensive edifying pedagogy and its relevance to the teaching of philosophy in higher secondary education

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Omar Isaías Luna Velázquez


Ethics, Axiological, Otherness


We consider that when deliberating on the action, dignity and attitude of the student of Higher Secondary Education, it is necessary to speak from a pedagogical approach that seeks to humanize education from the other, with the other and for the other, we refer to the edifying comprehensive pedagogy , as a comprehensive proposal designed to overcome the utilitarianism of the competency-based approach, still in force in the curricula of Higher Secondary Education in our country, but above all, as a perspective of learning refected and contextualized in the educational reality of Latin America. . We can interpret that this pedagogical proposal has as an important support the axiological, the ethical and the aesthetic, directed towards social improvement and human development. We realize that the edifying understanding is superimposed on the utilitarian and is based on aesthetic, axiological and moral values in the interaction between the faculty and the student. The other should not be seen as a contradiction of us, but as an overcoming of that contradiction that has traditionally been distinguished in the teaching-learning process. Care should be given by the educator with respect to the student, which would consist of seeking their development in the experiential, in humanizing ourselves from a practice and worthy experience with the responsibility subordinated to educating and the aesthetic aspect that must be found in the creation. of harmonic and safe environments in the contextualization of the student with his training process. If the understanding from this pedagogy of alterity is edifying, it is because moral, axiological and aesthetic values are its most solid premises, with responsibility and harmony between the teaching staf and the student, as a signifcant dialogical relationship. In this way, said pedagogical proposal becomes relevant to contribute to the teaching of philosophy, within the context of Higher Secondary Education, which must face characteristic problems of our Latin American reality.

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